Hlorogen Calculator

Hlorogen kalkulator je program za određivanje potrebnog kapaciteta HLOROGEN uređaja i automatskog dozirnog sistema prema protoku vode, potrebne količine hlora za inicijalnu dezinfekciju vode – hlorna potreba, kao i željenu količinu rezidualnog hlora u vodi. Program ispisuje izračunate vrednosti utroška aktivnog hlora na minut i na čas, kao i utrošak natrijum hipohlorita izabrane koncentracije. U delu […]

Hlorogen H4000

Hlorogen is device for electrolytic production of chlorine in the form of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) solution. Capacity is 4 kg/h or 96 kg/day of equivalent chlorine. Since no gaseous chlorine is present, water chlorination is absolutely safe due to system design. For production of sodium hypochlorite solution all that is needed is  common salt,  softened  […]

Hlorogen H2000

Hlorogen is device for electrolytic production of chlorine in the form of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) solution. Capacity is 2 kg/h or 48 kg/day of equivalent chlorine. Since no gaseous chlorine is present, water chlorination is absolutely safe due to system design. For production of sodium hypochlorite solution all that is needed is  common salt,  softened  […]


Hlorogen is device for electrolytic production of chlorine in the form of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) solution. This production is done on site in absolutely safe way. Since no gaseous chlorine is present, water chlorination is absolutely safe due to system design. For production of sodium hypochlorite solution all that is needed is  common salt,  softened  […]

Hlorogen H1000

Hlorogen is device for electrolytic production of chlorine in the form of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) solution. Capacity is 1 kg/h or 24 kg/day of equivalent chlorine. Since no gaseous chlorine is present, water chlorination is absolutely safe due to system design. For production of sodium hypochlorite solution all that is needed is  common salt,  softened  […]

Hlorogen H500

Hlorogen is device for electrolytic production of chlorine in the form of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) solution. Capacity is 0,5 kg/h or 12 kg/day of equivalent chlorine. Since no gaseous chlorine is present, water chlorination is absolutely safe due to system design. For production of sodium hypochlorite solution all that is needed is  common salt,  softened  […]

Hlorogen H250

Hlorogen is device for electrolytic production of chlorine in the form of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) solution. Capacity is 0,250 kg / h or 6,0 kg / day of equivalent chlorine. Since no gaseous chlorine is present, water chlorination is absolutely safe due to system design. For production of sodium hypochlorite solution all that is needed […]

Hlorogen H125

Hlorogen is device for electrolytic production of chlorine in the form of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) solution. Capacity is 0,1250 kg / h or 3,0 kg / day of equivalent chlorine. Since no gaseous chlorine is present, water chlorination is absolutely safe due to system design. For production of sodium hypochlorite solution all that is needed […]

Hlorogen H50

Hlorogen is device for electrolytic production of chlorine in the form of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) solution. Capacity is 0,050 kg / h or 1,2 kg / day of equivalent chlorine. Since no gaseous chlorine is present, water chlorination is absolutely safe due to system design. For production of sodium hypochlorite solution all that is needed […]